
Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Person in Glorious Flat in Gurgaon

I've traveled far and wide (far anyways, I’m not sure how you travel wide?!) over the last month and have realised a couple of things - of which most relevant is that when left on my own...I don't really have too many substantial thoughts! So anyways, while shamelessly lifting this title from Borat, I’ve decided to put together whatever I noticed there.

For the sake of background, I went to the states for about a month, covered 3 very different states - the small town, the busy cold big city, and the warm chilled out county near the city (no this is not a tally of my air miles!) and found that each place was different in almost every aspect while at the same time being very similar in some others which I find remarkable considering that that country is so vast!

This was my first trip there and on my own so I really got a feel for the place(s) (by that I mean that instead of touristofying, I took in (while being aware of the villager quotient of it) things like how big a Wal-Mart is! some less village type experiences which were really fulfilling was going to the parks, walking around and riding the subway looking at all the people coming home from work - regarding this last one, by the way, I must say we human beings look incredibly depressed and sullen when sitting quietly in a public place (like a subway)...its just this look which says "leave me alone I’m sooo tired" and everyone has it..even I tried it on for a bit (when I wasn't staring all cross eyed and confused at the route map) ... it just seems to fit the place. While at the same time, you do get little insights into stranger’s lives (in a non voyeuristic way!) and get an amazing cross section of emotions in that 10 minute ride...and for some reason I liked that.

Other than that, I'm sure everyone knows how people in the city are in a rush and people in California are laid back and blah blah blah so I won’t go into the differences. What I will talk about are the similarities. So here goes:

· FLAGS - Ok, national pride is a wonderful thing but I really don't know why there’s an American flag after every 10 houses / buildings / streets! I mean ya ok we get it, love America, its a great country and all that but after some point I couldn’t help seeing one and thinking "oh thanks for reminding me!" aside from that I also thought "someone's making a butt load of money exporting flags!" cos that’s the other ironic thing - that these precious flags are all made overseas by "evil companies that are stealing American jobs" - so much for being the symbol of a mighty nation!

· FLIP SWITCHES - I can't understand why in the year 2007, in a country that's had it all for the last 100 years, that the only type of electrical switches that I saw were FLIP TOGGLE SWITCHES! Come on, are they trying to say that a place that gives you 50 different types of water only felt that one type of switch is good enough?! I find this hard to believe so i’m hoping someone can show me otherwise. As for now, I know what I saw and what I saw (in every house, hotel, shop in every state that I went) were just flip switches!

· TOILET PAPER: This may be slightly unpleasant (not cos i’m gonna get graphic - i’m not so don't worry!) cos of the subject matter, but again I couldn’t help wondering why every toilet ONLY has Toilet Paper for clean up - No automatic spray, faucet or even mug of water. I come from the land of lotas and all but every house here in the city had Toilet paper AND the water stuff. Isn't it just more hygienic? And I can't help but think of just how much paper is consumed every day!

· IGNORANCE and WONDER: I'm sure many of you have experienced this or noticed it on your visit. Excuse the generalisation, but mention that you're from India, and instantly the conversee (the local) is shooting questions at you like no tomorrow! And ofcourse 3 questions in, you realise that it is assumed that you are EVERYTHING that years and years of TV has told them we'd be. I met a lot of people, young and old, respected members of their communities, school kids, my age lot and at some point they all asked or said stuff like:

Ø "How come you speak English so well?" - I decided that instead of telling them about the high percentage of English medium schools (I slipped it in at some point), I would go into how we were under British rule for 200 years and apparently picked up the odd word here or there while we were being lathi charged! I mean only our entire judicial system, railways, postal and all round general administration are thanks to them so why not add language to that too!

Ø “Will you have an arranged marriage?” – My response was “No, it’s an option, but I can pretty much marry whoever I want” – They were quite surprised.

Ø “Do you have Clubs and Bars back home?” – (Basically it was a follow up question to how girls and guys meet in India). Come on! What do I even say to this?! I did say “yes” and gave an expression like “seriously??!” and it worked.

Ø “Do you have Margaritas there?” - Considering this came from a college student, I wasn’t gonna hold it against him but you can imagine the shock.

Ø “Can you have a girlfriend?” – Again, more questions leading up to or following the whole arranged marriage issue.

Ø “What will you eat? It’s all non-vegetarian” – Very popular question and asked out of concern everytime so not soo bad, but basically stemmed on the belief that we are all leaf eating sadhus. Doubts were settled as I put away my second helping of popcorn turkey, ham steaks, and tenderloin!

Ø “You’re from India? Gandhi right?” – Ok not really a question but this came from the very friendly girl at the flight check-in desk who for some reason asked me if I had any rupees on me cos she’d never seen one before. I flipped out a note and she pointed to it and recognized him, which was nice since it caught me unaware. I thought that this friendly chat would get my overweight bags through – It didn’t!

Ø “You have a driver and a servant? God you are spoilt!” – It’s probably not how society was meant to be but good or bad, we do have servants. And the average house hold here does have atleast 3 helpers (counting a sweeper, washer etc.). Ofcourse for them, this translated to a lifestyle enjoyed only by the uber wealthy so I enjoyed telling it to the shocked bar tender.

All said and done, it really is a wonderful country and what I liked most was the level of humanity that you show one another there. You smile at people when walking past them, you always greet someone you’re interacting with – salesman, subway attendant, co-passenger who’s giving you vital info (cos you’ve gone 5 stops down the wrong subway line!), everyone, and basic things like that that we were taught to do when growing up but tuned down for one reason or the other (that’s probably why we Indians are on our best behavior there – greeting, not littering etc., cos the whole atmosphere is conducive to gentle living) ….and I think its things like that that we need to examine in ourselves back home and see just how we can bring in a little more of that into our lives here.

But come on! We have bars here!


Unknown said...

well pintoo i already said this once
but i can understand
so i will do it all over again
here it goes
1. you are a good writer, do it publicly..
2. yes you might find critics who might say that this is poorly written english because its too conversational.. but fuk'em there are a lotta good writers who write like that, i cant think of any right now..but im pretty sure there are, the one who wrote "inscrutable americans".. y'know
3. your writing get me hooked within the first 5 lines, compared to many big writers for whom i have to cover an area od atleast 10 pages to be engrossed

so well that must be a good thing

and aww c'mon you know gora's are dumb dumb


Unknown said...

OK - FREAKY : As I had a dream about this (By this I mean I was in NY - Which according to you guys - are nevva letting me go!!)

I had a rather pleasant experience when I was there my self. People were friendly & wanted to escort me while crossing the road ( I guess that might have to do with the Charm - You know You know;)!!)

My G-U-J-J-U / Gandhism - Dandi March kinda worked for me there as I got on to a Cab & the Cab Driver was some famous Hot Shot (Forget his Name:( ) and we got chit chatting. He worked for a Gujju Banker (Here we go Again!!) and very genrously gave me a free ride and invited me over for Dinner & Drinks with his Family. Unfortuantely I cudn't make it ( I still have his Card:))

Though what annoyed me a wee bit was that every Bank (Considering I have a knack of knowing Investment Wankers;)) I went to I was Checked Head to Toe and by this I mean literally Check Me In & Out - Wasn't Pleasant going through Security Checks entering & exiting but weirdly a funny thing happened as they checked me @ Lehman an old security guy flirtatiously asked me how come I wasn't carrying any Hot Sexy Lingerie;) - Former Boy wasn't too happy with that query but I thought that the Old guy was Cute:) - NO?!?!

Anyhow now to Consult your Queries : My Views : -

Flags : Now you know why they are a 'Target' for every Missile which flies through or even better - 'Aeroplanes'. (Dart Practise!!)

Toilet Paper : I think it has something to do with with being ALL CLEAN : Saving Water - Recycling Paper maybe , or considering that they don't have enough time to do both (Or ANY?!? - Yuuuckkkkkkkyyyyyyyyy!!)

Ignorance & Wonders : Well I'm going to Summarize the " DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH?!?" (As if you were Deaf?!?!), My Parents got me married as I was born to a wealthy Prince (Now he's dead & I'm RICH;$ - just had to say it - also it rhymes;)) , I Only Wish!!

Here we Go : So I was on my way to the Big Dream City and 2 students sitting beside me asked the same Questions - Apparently I even had the YUMRICKAN Accent ( Sorry Pintooooo;) but I got that one too!! Hehe). According to them we still provide shuttle services on Camels & Elephants, Good I dint tell them that I belong from a Royal Family - I would be Mugged right there!! The Guy student gave me a book he was reading as a present & guess what it was about - INDIA!! ( Did u get a Present? - HA;))

I guess you should have gone for a better option when they asked you how you speak such good English - Your reply should have been - "Ten Episodes Of 'Friends' - Could you 'BE' any Better;))

Do you have Margaritas There : To that my friend you had a Very Simple Answer - "Have you Met Shivangini Jhala?!?!?!"

I had trouble keeping up Pints - I pity you!! (Aweeeee) : You literally have to run to keep up, but it was awe-inspiring knowing that you nevva know whats coming up on the next block.
Ahem and Trust me if people here were as friendly - every other person would land up in jail, we are just not used to Humanity - What Say?!?! (You've heard the Grass-Green Saying)

But Commonnnnnnnnn - WE GOT BARS!! : We Do We Do We Do!!
- They cant take the only humanity prospect we have here;)...

Anonymous said...

one for each cheek
youre the bestest

TJ said...

I'm Yimpressed Mr. Bal. :)(By the way i deleted me whole blog before posting this comment so that you cant see my somewhat lame and whiny blog.. hehe)

TJ said...


1. I agree with Ms. Mumuksha you write well. I'm SURPRISED!! what talent yaar!! and I also dont think being too colloquial is a bad thing.

Rock On PB

TJ said...

Damn there was a no. 2 but i forgot.. and now before i get booted for spamming.. Ciao!

i'll have another one said...

>mumuksha: Thank you soo much but that aside i really wanted to tap into your funny experiences on your travels..the we could put them all together in a book called "the rest of the world is crazy, come to india"! so type away!

>Jhalli:ok first up - no pintoo! now to ask you all the stuff that i didnt get or didnt want to get, leading me to label it "random"

the cabbie was a famous guy? was he like an actor or something?

you went to a lot of banks there? why would you do that?

old guy asked you if you were carrying lingerie - you found cute and then said no? like you want us to agree?? so lemme get this straight - you want me to agree that an old man wanting to see your underwear is cute? ahhh if only there were more people like you, sexual harrasment would be an endearing quality!

you know my thoughts about your target flag joke - general advice, if a joke needs an explanation and atleast 3 degrees of connections then let it go!

no i didnt get presents, but i mantain that you were treated well cos youre hot and dont get me started on my issues!

i love the friends line (good one i must say) , i shouldve used that!

As for the margaritas, i think i shall name thee "margarita" from now on - think you could carry it off (and i think itd be lotsa fun in a bar)

The coming up on next block bit i dont know what its in reference too.

please explain how saying hello and smiling to one another lands people in jail?

and bars are not beacons of humanity.

there ive done my bit....and youre sooo sweet for writing so much on my blog


>taniya: you're usually more insightful then kisses on my cheeks but i'll happily take em! see you back here soon.

>falco: i shall start with a long hmmmmmmmm..who are you? you obviously know me very well (aside from mentioning my name, not expecting much was a dead give away!)...why'd you delete youre blog? i should atleats get the chance to exchange views..anyways thanks for everything..will see you here more often i hope

Cuckoo said...

That was a great article, by the 15th line i was nodding wisely saying "yeah thats right!" But you left out "Does your father have elephants", "how do you manage to cross the roads, its so crowded all the time" and "is it safe to travel to india"?

Geek Goddess said...

Great post! I forgot how much I enjoyed reading you!

Hahah I can SO relate to some of this stuff. Havent been to the US but the reactions are similar to indians (real indians or not) in any part of the world.. The speaking in english (although for us its more along the lines of: "Why do you have an american accent?"), the arranged marriage, the servants and the most common when ANYONE (usually ignorant idiots) finds out I'm from Africa... "Do you live in a jungle?" and "Do you live in a hut?" and even (and I SWEAR this!) "When you walk about outside your home, have you bumped into any lions?"

Uhh.. yeah that frequently happens when I go out for an afternoon stroll after I've performed my ancient tribal drum dance.

Hope you shopped lots!

i'll have another one said...

~cuckoo: haha somehow the elephants one didnt come up, but there was plenty of talk about our traffic and how its a death ride everytime...i feel the same way (as in my earlier post on the chaotic harmony of city driving) so i only made their fears more entrenched!

~gg: damn! i can totally imagine people asking you the jungle questions...its funny how despite all the exposure, we still somehow hang on the the references we saw in badly made old 60's movies...and you seem to have it coming from the two most fascinating sides...

Maya said...

One should really get together & put down our "You are from India, do you really...?"
It'll probably be the funniest read around, but also a testament to the ignorance abouut India...
which is actually quite startling considering the fact that we are one of the fastest growing economies in the world, with most of the world transfering jobs, technical know-how etc to this land of elephants & cows...

Unrelated PS: get the book "are you experienced" ... super funny insight to India.

Leo M said...

although that post said some things that sounded naive, it's really good man. nowhere did it sound judgemental, which is excellent. you're clearly a guy who's comfortable being indian.

i'll have another one said...

>maya: hehe yup we gotta...infact im sure youve got a million funny ones considering youve gone to so many different places.

>leo m: yup what can i say...all said and done-my country best..though actually i realise that its the same with everyone from every place....being a generaton and time of convenience, we usually pick up one off instances, observations and happenings and happily generalise it to make a funny picture..

Anonymous said...

do you have bars there?
no, pretty much sit at home all day and get bored. why do you think we wrote the kamasutra.

do know what magaritas are?
nope, you want to buy me a couple so i can get a sense?

why do they have flags (especially the mid-west)?
because my daddy had one, and my daddy's daddy had one, and my daddy's daddy's daddy had one.

Anonymous said...

ok you have to ask me about americans! i went to school with them, they were everywhere.. i so associate with this.. and ive had worse questions while growing up..

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